Hey there, Yolks!
Have you all met Grace? As in the lovely and egg-ceptionally talented
, creator of ?What’s a Momlette you ask? In the words of Grace:
Momlettes come in all forms. Some mommies are scrambled. Some are fried, some moms are deciding between over easy and over it. Some are leaking out of eggshells cracked on the floor while their toddlers dance in their remains. I hope this is a cathartic space for mommies to be mommies in whatever form they take.
Hoo boy, have I felt like all those kinds of eggs at some point in time. 😹 Throw in the fact that I’m also a burnt pancake1, and well…
Look—I have no idea what month it is2 or when egg-sactly I first met Grace. But what I do know is, as someone who is still finding the balance between clawing for finding time to write and raising two raccoon-squirrel hybrids3 beautiful human boys ages two-and-a-half and five, I was egg-static when I connected with Grace.
Grace is zany and dark in all the right ways, and a couple of weeks ago, I had the wonderful pleasure of cracking up4 with her on her newly hatched podcast re: writing, momming, and how to do it all while staying sunny-side up.
Be a fly on our wall at the link below!
And if you like what you see/hear, please be sure to give Grace some egg-stra love on Substack! Not only is she out there making moms feel heard and seen, but she’s one of those people who understands that creativity needs nurtured, even if it’s only five minutes at a time. And isn’t that, my friends, what it all boils down to?
Until we MEAT5 again,
🥩 Maegan6
Answer to joke up top (since they won’t let you footnote a title): To get to the other slide, of course!! 😹😹😹
what’s a burnt pancake, you ask? you’ll have to watch (or listen to) Grace’s podcast to find out. 😽😉😽
j/k, I know it’s february 😉😽😽. wait—what are my kids’ names again?
ok, ok, I eggs-aggerate. 😹😹 no, but really, I’m eggs-hausted. 😹 send help. or protein. send anything but hard candy (choke hazard)!
sorry, but these egg puns are just too much fun. and if you have any yolks of your own, feel free to share them in the comments below! 🥚🐣
Fun FRESH MEAT Fact: I always* schedule my posts for 11:11** (eastern time), so next time your inbox dings from me, stop what you’re doing and make a wish! 🥩
*and by always I mean usually***
**or 3:33 or 1:11 or 2:22—you get the point…
***and by usually I mean sometimes
fyi, i’ve got some short-short fiction in the works. look for some FRESH MEAT soon. 🥩🥩
What number podcast is this? You're giving eggs-pert vibes.
When making momlettes, be sure to compost the momshells.