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Apr 1, 2023
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Thank you, Brandon. And I'm honored to be Your partner. Back to work we go!! 🥩🥩🥩

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My thought exactly!

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Love me a good Matt.


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Thank you!

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This is awesome. Listening now, don't have time to watch it all at the moment but I'll come back to it. You seem very relaxed and natural.

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Thanks, Robb!! It was very fun. We had a blast.

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Very cool! Will check it out!

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Thanks, Amran! You guys getting this nice thunderstorm over on your side of the lake?

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Yes, unfortunately. 90+ mph winds and tornado warnings. Hope it passes without incident in all necks of the woods.

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Hmm, seems pleasant over here. Must be getting the tail end of your wrath. Stay safe! Use the neighbors as shields if you must! ;)

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You survive the storm?

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The weather? Or my children?

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We did. I think we missed the worst of the storms.

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I love Matt! So glad you guys got to meet and hang out. Matt was one of the first Substacks I started following last year. He is such a great writer and very inspiring. Enjoy reading both of your stories!

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Thank you, Heather, and I agree about Matt! He has a great energy that infused his writing. 🥩

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Thank you, Miguel!

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Congratulations - you are goin' Hollywood now. I just started interview but am enjoying it so far. Nice vibe.

Quick question - Is the room the interview is filmed in an old classroom?

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Thank you, Rob! Yes--old classroom of an old school converted to Airbnb. Matt found it, isn't it great?! Thanks for watching.

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Awwwwh!! That’s wonderful!!! I can’t gush enough!!! Take those opportunities and run with them!!!! You know how to schmooze and be kind—- you’re gonna be just fine!!! Go Maegan, GO!!! Matt Z.—- your an absolute diamond. ♥️🌸

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Thank you, Kerri!

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Woooo!!! Thanks so much, Maegan -- for the kind words and being willing to pod! Looking forward to the next one, because a next one there definitely will be.

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Can't wait!🥩

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Good stuff, will give this a watch/listen very soon. Got a bit of reading to catch up on Substack too. Looking forward to this!

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Hey Kris! Been thinking about you! Hope you are well. And on Spring Break? Glad to hear from you.

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Hey! Been so busy. No spring break here, but transitioning to exam season so will be a bit calmer soon. Then I'll be back! I hope you're well. You seem to be!

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You teachers are amazing. I couldn’t cut it. I was set to teach middle or high school English but met my husband at the same time I was interviewing and not getting picked up for a teaching job. So I ended up going the carpentry route instead with my husband, and my teaching certificate has long expired since then.

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It comes with its perks and drawbacks, I guess like any other job. I teach in two places, one I enjoy, the other not so much. Both university-level (a school of political science and a business school). Classes from 8:30am until 9pm, hence the silence. But hey, not many jobs will give you two months off in the summer, so you won't hear much complaint from me.

If I'd been any good at the manual stuff then carpentry might've been an option, but I can barely slice bread without lopping off a finger tip or two!

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They don't make sliced bread where you're from?? ;) hehehe :) :) :)

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That's quite the schedule! Yes, you need your summers!

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