A harness, strapped around my torso, looped around my legs. The harness, connected to a lanyard, connected to a line of cable.
Zip, whoosh, whee!
Below, my classmates—fellow senators of the student body. Mrs. Sinclair directing. Trevor’s eyes up at me, whee!
Whoosh—a gush between my thighs.
A cracked egg in my undies, oozing. Soaking, drenching, absorbing into—saturating—the crotch of my jeans.
Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit!
Strapped around my torso, looped around my legs, the harness—connected to the lanyard, connected to the line of cable. Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh.
Trevor’s eyes. My jeans. The crotch of my jeans. My body dangling. Oozing egg soaking, drenching. Mrs. Sinclair directing my fellow classmates’ eyes.
The gush between my thighs saturating my crotch, saturating my undies, saturating my jeans.
Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit!
Strapped into the harness, connected to the lanyard, connected to the line of cable, dangling. Dangling!
Mrs. Sinclair. My fellow classmates…senators. Trevor. Shit!
Strapped into the harness, connected to the lanyard.
Between my thighs, whoosh.
The harness, looped around my legs.
Between my thighs, gush.
Undies oozing.
Mrs. Sinclair. Mrs. Sinclair!
Soaking, drenching, absorbing into, saturating—Bathroom!
Zip, whee.
Some background:
George Saunders has this exercise, a challenge really. Write a story comprised of exactly 200 words, of which only 50 of those words are unique1.
The above was my attempt. What’d you think? Did it make sense what was happening? Did it do anything for you?
Maybe I’ll keep tweaking it.2 (Already I’m wondering if I should trade “hanging” for “dangling…”
Maybe I’ll just let it sit for a while and enjoy what the exercise did for me3.
Either way, thank you for taking the time to read my 200-word story!
Until we meat again,
My 50 words were: a, harness, strapped, around, my, torso, looped, legs, the, connected, to, lanyard, line, of, cable, zip, whoosh, whee, below, classmates, fellow, senators, student, body, Mrs. Sinclair, directing, Trevor, eyes, up, at, me, gush, between, thighs, oozing, cracked, egg, in, undies, soaking, drenching, absorbing, into, saturating, crotch, jeans, shit, hanging, dangling, on, bathroom.
Confession: I tweaked it! Just a little. Couldn’t help myself. Will try to let it be now.
As I was reading I was thinking "I don't know what Maeghan's doing here but I fkn love it!"
It's a nice exercice, reminds me if Georges Pérec and the oupolo writers. Pérec wrote a Book without using the letter E and wrote a 1200 words palindrome amongst other crazy stuff. I got to give it a shot, not in english tho, would be too hard for me.