Hi Friends,
It’s been too long.
How’s everyone doing this year? Hopefully good. Me, my year is going fine! Though I am still in my same struggle of being a slow enough writer that I find it difficult to produce enough content to post on Substack AND submit previously unpublished work for consideration in magazines.
Below is a button.
This button is my loophole. Your portal to a secret draft, technically unpublished (technically, technically…)
this button has self destructed...
thank you so much to those who took the time to read and comment.
until we MEAT again…
In my neck of the woods, It’s 11:11. (Make a wish). In 33 hours, I’m deleting this link ↑ to NINEFOLD E, the code name (an anagram) for this work-in-progress.
You are welcome to read, welcome to comment (but do me a favor and comment on this page, please).
I’m checking for boredom, confusion…and how you felt if you made it to the end.
If you have the time, I thank you very much.
I hope your new year is FRESH.
And that we MEAT again soon.
Maegan! Nothing makes me happier than a new Fresh Meat post surprisingly arriving in my inbox. Such a joy, that feeling.
I've read this story twice now, and I have to be honest with you: I'm feeling really really stupid. Because my brain doesn't function on this level. I just can't get it. And my inadaquacy makes me sad. Because I know that everything you write (at least everything I've read of yours right up until now) is always some next level brilliance. I just can't decipher all the shape stuff.
I'm getting a metaphor for compatible people. The disillusionment with life. Things not being how we imagined them to be. Lovers becoming strangers. Strangers becoming lovers. And I'm really hoping that if I give it a day, then come back and read it a third time my brain will allow me to unlock the code.
I have that same feeling now that I have from never ever not even once in my life being able to look at one of those magic eye pictures and being able to see the hidden 3D pic that everyone else can see. :(
I love the shapes, but I thought they were a metaphor for love, sex, and compatibility until Bill came into the picture and there was real world sex as well.
A suggestion: clearly establish how the shapes work in the beginning for all 3 of those things. Love, sex, and compatibility, and scratch the real world sex being a thing on top of the shapes.